Liquid Oxygen Pills Could You Jump In A Pool Filled With Liquid Oxygen And Inhale It From In It?

Could you jump in a pool filled with liquid oxygen and inhale it from in it? - liquid oxygen pills

Imagine if you had a pool full of liquid oxygen and climb on board ... Could you breathe, so you do not come to the surface, like oxygen, if you have the right equipment?


Becky L said...

He worked on "The Abyss", but as a fiction and that it "breathes" from a tank.

splishmo... said...

Temperature of liquid oxygen -223 ° C.
it was frozen.
Liquid oxygen is extremely flammable - that could happen is a serious big bang!

Yah Baby said...

Technically? The liquid oxygen to freeze almost immediately.

Yah Baby said...

Technically? The liquid oxygen to freeze almost immediately.

wednesday 69 said...

You do not even need to breath, that the core to be frozen in seconds .... GAME OVER

Pierrecl... said...

better delete his cigarette.

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